

Church Programme and Services

Click the services and programmes to view more details

January Services: Thursdays @ 3 pm Sundays @ 10.45 and 6.30 on the first Sunday of the month

Sunday 5th : 10.45 Karla Hayne 6.30 David Powell Thursday 9th : 3 pm Lisa Rockett Sunday 12th : 10.45 Micky Havelock Thursday 16th : 3 pm Paulette Benson Sunday 19th : 10.45 Emma Evans Thursday 23rd : 3pm Laurence Cohen Sunday 26th : 10.45 Elaine Bevan Thursday 30th : 3 pm Lawrence Saville

February Services: Thursdays @ 3 pm Sundays 10.45 and 6.30 on the first Sunday of the month

Sunday 2nd : 10.45 Mark Stone Sunday 2nd : 6.30 Kez Eggleton Thursday 6th : 3 pm Debbie and Bill Reeves Sunday 9th : 10.45 Spencer Rose Thursday 13th : 3 pm Sarah Deverell Sunday 16th : 10.45 Al and Geoff Potts Thursday 20th : Vanessa Smallwood Sunday 23rd : Andy Ford Thursday 27th :

Future Events

Click the events to view more details

Demonstration of Mediumship with Sandra Darbyshire on Saturday 26th October 7-8.30

Christmas Fayre November 23rd 10 - 2

Welcome to the Website

On this website you will find our programme of events, including services and healing sessions, details of church officers and committee members, information about our library, background information on Spiritualism, photos of our church and how to find and contact us. The contact page also includes links to the website of the Spiritualists’ National Union and other local Spiritualist churches.

Services are held Thursday 3pm and Sunday 10.45am every Sunday and the first Sunday of every month we have an additional service at 6.30pm.

On Thursday afternoons.

Demonstrations of mediumship. On Tuesday evenings Open Circles are held.

On Wednesday evenings.

We hold a Fledglings Evening for all up and coming Mediums, this platform will offer you an opportunity to further develop your Gifts to work from the Platform, we hold them every fourth Wednesday of the month costing £3

Other special events.

These are usually held On Saturdays and are advertised in advance on our “Events” page. You can view our entire programme up to one month in advance on our “Programme section”.

Healing takes placve at specific times throughout the week. For times and details see the “Healing page

Church Update Board


Christmas New Year Closure

The Church will be closed until 5th January 2025 when we will re-open with two Services. 10.45 am with Karla Hayne and 6.30 pm with David Powell We look forward to seeing ;you in 2025.


Christmas Fayre November 23rd 10 - 2

Private Sittings. Tarot. Palmistry. Cakes. Books. Bric-a-brac. Raffle. Crafts. Refreshments. Mark Stone with his beautiful Mind, Body, Spirit gifts. Entry £1.



Parking is available in front of the Church and in Streate Place car park (to side of Church) evenings and weekends.



Become a member of our beautiful Church - only £10 per year. Renewable Ist January. Membership forms are available from the church.


Open Circle

Every Tuesday evening we hold an open circle run by Cheryl, So if you are looking to develop your spiritual gifts and abilities, come along and join us as Cheryl guides you along your path. £3 per person to attend


Library Opening Times

To All our Full Paid Members. Our library is now open again with a wonderful range of Spiritual books offering a wide range of teachings, philosophy and Spiritual guidance for life. A lot of our books are limited editions and very rare, so why not come and have a look. Our books are only able to be loaned out for full paid members of Bournemouth Spiritualist Church. Please see a member of our Committee. Opening times are: Thursdays 4-5 Sundays 10-10.30



Our Church holds two services a week. Thursday Service Demonstration of Mediumship Service begins at 3pm Refreshments after the service Sunday Service Divine Service Service begins at 10.45 We hold an additional Services on the first Sunday of each month 6.30pm Refreshments after the evening service All are welcome to attend any of our services, free will offerings are collected after each service to raise money for our Church. We look forward to having you join us


Healing update

Our Healing times are as follows: Sunday 10.00am - 10.30am Monday 2.00pm - 4.OOpm Thursday 6.30pm - 8.30pm Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm For those of you who prefer not to attend in person, members of our healing team will continue to send absent healing regularly through the week, or you can message us and we will add names to our healing book. If you would like to add any names to the list for healing, please click below. Contact healing is taking place in a limited way under new SNU guidelines. Please DO NOT ATTEND for healing if you have any symptoms which might be Covid or have recently been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive. Many Thanks.

A Short History of the Church

Bournemouth National Spiritualist Church History

At the beginning of last century, around 1904, a Mr John Walker and three friends - Mr F S Blake and two brothers, Percy and William Street, started a development circle with the leader and medium being John Walker. He was a good trance and physical medium, and sometimes, this physical power was very dominant. Objects were moved about at the request of the sitters, causing a lot of interest and at times, amusement.

This went on for some time until one night, a Spirit Control came through their leader and said, “Well boys, you’ve had your fun, now you must get down to serious work.” He gave them to understand that they were to help lay the foundations for a church, which was to be under the control of a band of workers from the spirit side of life. They were to be used as the mouthpiece through whom they hoped to pass to earth, some of the knowledge they had acquired.

When they had developed far enough, they started meetings in a small studio now occupied by the Charminster Road Post Office.

The Society was opened in 1905. They shortly moved to premises in what was then called Town Hall Avenue, where the Sunday services were held in a café. It was here that Vincent N. Turvey, an author, did so much work. Some time later a Mr Hiscock and a Mrs Hayter, who had been members for some time, opened the church which is still doing good work in Charminster Road today.

The Membership was now steadily growing. After various changes, we settled for a time in the Wilberforce Halls, Holdenhurst Road, and here we started to form ourselves into a church, allying ourselves with the Spiritualists’ National Union. Rules were formed and an organised Council and membership established. On leaving Wilberforce Hall in 1920-1921, we went to the Theosophical Rooms in Lansdowne Road.

We had now been wandering about for some time, and at a committee meeting we arranged that the committee members were to search and visit all premises, which might prove suitable.

Moving to Bath Road

After some time, the President, found the house known as Streate Place, which had been a doctor’s house and had a waiting room and surgery on the Bath Road entrance. Having been purchased by the Misses Wadlow for the sum of £6,000 and presented to the Bournemouth National Spiritualist Church, Streate place was used as a hall, library and healing sanctuary. The surgery and waiting room part of the building was converted for use as a church. On 5th June 1924 Mr Ernest Oaten, who was then the Editor of the “Two Worlds” magazine, officially opened the Church. Mr Frank Blake became resident minister Mr Frank Bessant took his place as President.

By 1956 the church building was beginning to perish along with ventilation and acoustic issues. A building fund was set up, as a complete re- design of the entire church was needed. This included raising the roof level, adding dormer windows, stained glass windows and the addition of a tower and spire and pipe organ. This was designed by John Austin and partners and completed by building contractors Daws Ltd. The church had been transformed into what was described as “a new landmark for Bournemouth”.

In 1988 it was decided to sell the adjoining Streate place and the rear half of the church was converted into a hall with folding partition doors. This meant the removal of the pipe organ to make way for a kitchen. A new side extension was constructed to house an entrance lobby, cloakrooms and a library in the form we can see today.

Commencing in 2010 the church has seen further refurbishment. This has included new fixed seating, outside paving and alterations to the platform. The kitchen and toilet areas have been refurbished and the re-decoration of the church. It is hoped this beautiful church will be preserved for many years to come.

Some old photographs illustrating the churches history

Moving to Bath Road

Bournemouth Echo Article 1957

Church Exterior 1970's

Church Interior 1980's

Church Exterior 1980's